Selena Gomez Performs with Red Bollywood Dress

Selena Gomez was a performer in MTV Movie Awards 2013 in Culver City California. What is her song on that ceremony? it was her new song Come and Get It.
Selena Gomez red dress
Selena Gomez performs with red Bollywood dress

How about her style? She wore a red Bollywood dress complete with tilaka on forehead and foot ring. She looked hot and gorgeous with that style combine with dancing style even sometimes she perform yoga style.
Selena Gomez combines dancing and yoga
Selena Gomez combines dancing and yoga

Beside that she is surrounded by eastern dancer that wore beige dress made the stage totally become totally eastern.
Selena Gomez with eastern style dancer
Selena Gomez with eastern style dancer

What a great performance and as a fans we must proud of her and of course don't want to wait another perform.